

class CloudFeatureStore (connection_string='', enable_transforms=True)

Cloud Feature Store

Connects to a hosted feature store via REST API.

When using specifying features for create_feature, update_feature, etc., use either:

  • namespace and name as arguments; or
  • specify name in the format "my-namespace/my-feature".


connection_string : str
URL of ByteHub Cloud, e.g.
enable_transforms : bool, optional
whether to allow execution of pickled functions stored in the feature store. Required for feature transforms, but should only be enabled if you trust the feature store and the transforms that have been saved to it.


  • bytehub._base.BaseFeatureStore
  • abc.ABC


def clean_namespace(self, name)

Removes any data that is not associated with features in the namespace. Run this to free up disk space after deleting features


name : str
namespace to clean
def clone_feature(self, name, namespace=None, **kwargs)

Create a new feature by cloning an existing one.


name : str
name of the feature.
namespace : str, optional
namespace which should hold this feature.
from_name : str
the name of the existing feature to copy from.
from_namespace : str, optional
namespace of the existing feature.
def create_feature(self, name, namespace=None, **kwargs)

Create a new feature in the feature store.


name : str
name of the feature
namespace : str, optional
namespace which should hold this feature.
description : str, optional
description for this namespace.
partition : str, optional
partitioning of stored timeseries (default: "date").
serialized : bool, optional
if True, converts values to JSON strings before saving, which can help in situations where the format/schema of the data changes over time.
transform : str, optional
pickled function code for feature transforms.
meta : dict, optional
key/value pairs of metadata.
def create_namespace(self, name, **kwargs)

Create a new namespace in the feature store.


name : str
name of the namespace.
description : str, optional
description for this namespace.
url : str
url of data store.
storage_options : dict, optional
storage options, e.g. access credentials.
backend : str, optional
storage backend, see bytehub._storage.available_backends, defaults to "pandas".
meta : dict, optional
key/value pairs of metadata.
def delete_feature(self, name, namespace=None, delete_data=False)

Delete a feature from the feature store.


name : str
name of feature to delete.
namespace : str, optional
namespace, if not included in feature name.
delete_data : bool, optional
if set to True will delete underlying stored data for this feature, otherwise default behaviour is to delete the feature store metadata but leave the stored timeseries values intact.
def delete_namespace(self, name)

Delete a namespace from the feature store.


namespace to be deleted.
def last(self, features)

Fetch the last value of one or more features.


features : Union[str, list, pd.DataFrame]
feature or features to fetch.


dictionary of name, last value pairs.
def list_features(self, **kwargs)

List features in the feature store.

Search by namespace, name and/or regex query


name : str, optional
name of feature to filter by.
namespace : str, optional
namespace to filter by.
regex : str, optional
regex filter on name.
friendly : bool, optional
simplify output for user.


DataFrame of features and metadata.
def list_namespaces(self, **kwargs)

List namespaces in the feature store.

Search by name or regex query.


name : str, optional
name of namespace to filter by.
namespace : str, optional
same as name.
regex : str, optional
regex filter on name.


DataFrame of namespaces and metadata.
def load_dataframe(self, features, from_date=None, to_date=None, freq=None, time_travel=None)

Load a DataFrame of feature values from the feature store.


features : Union[str, list, pd.DataFrame]
name of feature to load, or list/DataFrame of feature namespaces/name.
from_date : datetime, optional
start date to load timeseries from, defaults to everything.
to_date : datetime, optional
end date to load timeseries to, defaults to everything.
freq : str, optional
frequency interval at which feature values should be sampled.
time_travel : str, optional
timedelta string, indicating that time-travel should be applied to the returned timeseries values, useful in forecasting applications.


Union[pd.DataFrame, dask.DataFrame]
depending on which backend was specified in the feature store.
def save_dataframe(self, df, name=None, namespace=None)

Save a DataFrame of feature values to the feature store.


df : pd.DataFrame
DataFrame of feature values. Must have a time column or DateTimeIndex of time values. Optionally include a created_time column (defaults to utcnow() if omitted). For a single feature: a value column, or column header of feature namespace/name. For multiple features name the columns using namespace/name.
name : str, optional
name of feature, if not included in DataFrame column name.
namespace : str, optional
namespace, if not included in DataFrame column name.
def transform(self, name, namespace=None, from_features=[])

Decorator for creating/updating virtual (transformed) features. Use this on a function that accepts a dataframe input and returns an output dataframe of tranformed values.


name : str
feature to update.
namespace : str, optional
namespace, if not included in feature name.
from_features : list
list of features which should be transformed by this one
def update_feature(self, name, namespace=None, **kwargs)

Update a feature in the feature store.


name : str
feature to update.
namespace : str, optional
namespace, if not included in feature name.
description : str, optional
updated description.
transform : str, optional
pickled function code for feature transforms.
meta : dict, optional
updated key/value pairs of metadata. To remove metadata, update using {"key_to_remove": None}.
def update_namespace(self, name, **kwargs)

Update a namespace in the feature store.


name : str
namespace to update.
description : str, optional
updated description.
storage_options : dict, optional
updated storage options.
meta : dict, optional
updated key/value pairs of metadata. To remove metadata, update using {"key_to_remove": None}.